The Brotherhood has undertaken another project. It’s a 12×12 covered cooking area, called the “outdoor kitchen”, and is positioned near the Ministry Pavilion. Great! The project is already well underway, and it’s really looking nice. Thanks to the men of the Brotherhood!
Evening Worship this Sunday will be conducted in the Ministry Pavilion, and a Homemade Ice Cream Party will follow. Invite your family members, friends and neighbors, bring a freezer-if you have one-of your favorite homemade ice cream, and plan to be present for a special time of worship and fellowship at 6:00 in the out-of-doors. (Please come early enough to have the freezers situated in the back of the pavilion, for a distraction free worship service.) If you have questions about the fellowship, please contact Special Events coordinator Kelsey May.
Prayer in the book of Acts has been our worship focus throughout April, beginning on Easter Sunday with the theme of praying in the powerful name of Jesus our Living Lord! Now we can put into practice what the Holy Spirit has taught us in the prayer stories and teachings of Acts on the final Sunday of April and throughout May. In addition to the regular Sunday and midweek services of May, we’ll have the WMA sponsored High school Graduating Senior Reception on the 6th, Mother’s Day on the 13th, the Awana Awards Ceremony on the 20th, and the departure of the mission team for Honduras on the 27th. Pray! On a surprising number of pages in the book of Acts the power of God’s amazing grace in Christ is at work, the power of the Holy Spirit is at work, the power of prayer is available and God’s people are praying, and the church is growing! Pray that way for Magnolia-for your Sunday School and Awana teachers, for your worship leaders, for your deacons and staff members, for your brothers and sisters in Christ, and for each regular and special service of the church. Pray like the Christians in Acts, and we’ll have Acts like results-all due to the amazing grace of God in Christ!
Greg Medenwald, Pastor